Why is the bridge black? ArticleBelinda CrowsonFebruary 1, 2013Building Bridges, Galt Museum, High Level Bridge, Lethbridge, museum education, silly student answers, why bridge is black Comments
Why Museum School Trips Matter ArticleBelinda CrowsonAugust 24, 2012Galt Museum, field trips, museum education, museum field trips, museums changing lives, school trips Comments
Is teaching history "unnatural"? ArticleBelinda CrowsonApril 4, 2012Programs, education programs, how to teach history, museum education, school programs, Galt MuseumComment
Dolphins Kissing and Other Thank You Cards ArticleBelinda CrowsonFebruary 21, 2012Lethbridge history, education programs, museum education, student feedback on programs, thank you cards, Galt MuseumComment
Children Welcome -- Over 10 000 and Counting ArticleBelinda CrowsonDecember 22, 2011Family Programs, Lethbridge, education programs, family fun, museum education, visiting with children, Galt MuseumComment
Gonna Get Me a Gopher ArticleBelinda CrowsonAugust 3, 2011Programs, Richardson's Ground Squirrels, childhood mischief, education programs, gophers, museum education, Galt MuseumComment
When "To Do" Becomes "To Done" ArticleBelinda CrowsonJuly 22, 2011Archives kit, Lethbridge, flashlight cemetery tours, museum education, working in a museum, Galt MuseumComment
Did you make it to the Willamette Valley? ArticleBelinda CrowsonJune 24, 2011City of Lethbridge, Programs, computer games, education programs, museum education, Galt MuseumComment
I Make Students Sing ArticleBelinda CrowsonApril 21, 2011Galt Museum, Programs, education programs, museum educationComment
Keeping It Fresh ArticleBelinda CrowsonMarch 4, 2011Community Programs, Galt Museum, Programs, community, exhibits, keeping it fresh, museum education, staying fresh Comments
Thoughts from Teachers' Convention ArticleBelinda CrowsonFebruary 26, 2011Programs, Teachers' Convention, immigration in Canada today, immigration, museum education, museum resources, southern Alberta history, Galt MuseumComment
Competitive? Who, me? ArticleBelinda CrowsonJune 25, 2010Galt Museum, education programs, end of the school year, museum education, museums and schools, school programsComment
We Really Have Covered This Stuff in Class ArticleBelinda CrowsonMay 20, 2010Friends of the Galt Museum and Archives, education programs, museum education, museum field tripsComment
Museum Education Rocks ArticleBelinda CrowsonApril 23, 2010Galt Museum, Lethbridge history, museum education, teachers in museumsComment