House Hunters: Bird Edition
Photo by Will Malott on Unsplash
The Lethbridge Naturalists Society was established in 1968 to promote awareness of natural history in the Lethbridge area. The Galt Museum & Archives hold a treasure trove of from the Lethbridge Naturalists Society including correspondence, newsletters, clippings, handbooks, subject files, reference reports and certificates.
The songs and sounds of spring are in the air meaning a symphony of Southern Alberta’s native bird population fills the ears of every patio dweller. April may be just around the corner but that doesn’t mean it’s all sunshine and rainbows for these birds. No, April is famous for bringing unexpected snow and weather storms.
What is a bird to do when Jack Frost makes a late appearance? Why take cover in a beautiful birdhouse, of course. The first man-made birdhouse was created in Turkey around the 15th century. They were built for swallows and sparrows and often created to complement the architecture. Some may ask why man-made birdhouses are required at all but in truth with the increased agriculture and urbanization of the past 200 years many of the trees with nesting capabilities have been deemed hazardous and cut down. As well the beaks of some birds are specialized for hunting and gathering making them incapable of building their own nests.
Bird species prefer different types of house conditions so to help maintain populations of a particular species houses need to be built accordingly. What better way to welcome spring than by welcoming a fleet of neighbourhood birds with a colourful dwelling?
Your old photos, documents, and artifacts might have historical value. Please contact Galt Museum & Archives for advice before destroying them.