Galt Museum & Archives

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An (almost) annual event with an end......

Being that our museum was once a hospital, we have many people, who now live all over the world, who call our building their place of birth.....we refer to this group as the "Galt Babies".

Every few years we throw a birthday party to celebrate these individuals, all born prior to 1956. We haven't had a birthday party in about 5 years now though because of being closed for the expansion for much of that time. There is much excitement amongst the Galt Babies that we are having a party again, finally, on June 22, 2008.

Its been interesting working on the invitations being mailed out - we have a Galt Baby in Australia and one in Germany for example......there are about 20 or 30 in the USA and only 3 in Saskatchewan but 8 in Manitoba! One in the in the Yukon. MANY in BC and Alberta....hundreds in Lethbridge alone!

Of course, this assumes that no one has moved as the addresses we have are at least 5 years the actual locations of where Galt Babies currently live could be a bit different than what I am seeing right now, and I am interested to see how much the data will change in this time.

The other thing that continuously runs through my mind is that this is an event that is a regular event (well every 2-5 years anyhow) and that one day this event will end. Events end often when the public moves on and wants a change, or when the individuals necessary for an event move away or are not available to assist with putting it together, but this event will end naturally, as one day there will be no Galt Babies left! I really realized this when we were trying to locate a former Galt doctor to speak at the birthday party, and there was only one that my committee and I could think of and locate (and yes, he is going to come speak towards the end of the event).

I really want to ensure the Galt Babies enjoy their party each and every time we do it because it is a celebration that won't go on forever. So if you are a Galt Baby or if you know one, please have them call me to receive an invitation - 403-320-4219. If they can't come this year, hopefully they can come next time and enjoy some dessert and refreshment, museum/hospital tours, free access to the museum, and some live music (and dancing if anyone wishes!).